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Shooting Still Photo and Video Together

Flex alert here, guys. I shot Drew Brees recently, alongside a video crew in San Diego. Drew was a laid back, accommodating dude with a generally great attitude towards the whole crew. It was a high level day on my fun-o-meter.Enough about me. Today we set out to answer the question: Can we shoot video and photo simultaneously on the same day? Should we do that? After all, the talent is there, lighting is there, a hair and makeup artist,…

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Shot Lists for Photoshoots: What, Why, How

One of the first questions I ask a new potential client is "Do you have a shot list?" I'm happy to work with them either way but it helps me gauge how much they may have thought about the details and logistics of their shoot. Generally, when clients come to me with a list of shots, it means they've done some prep work, have a good idea of their brand identity (or brand identity they aspire to), and may already…

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