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Political Portraits: Corporate Head Shots with Contextual Cowbell

Mayor Todd Gloria I approach campaign portraits a bit like corporate head shots. After all, the subject is in a great job and he happens to want to keep it. The purpose is a bit more specific, however, so the primary difference for me is context or, more simply put, backgrounds. We wanted to show Todd Gloria in real backgrounds in the actual San Diego community he serves and in the context of issues that he cares about. As a…

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Shooting Ballet Folklorico in San Diego

Earlier this summer I had the opportunity to shoot Ballet Folklorico in San Diego for AAA, documenting the people and dance. I was traveling around my hometown like a tourist to various locations to see rehearsals and performances both indoor and out. The shoot resulted in three magazine covers for AAA and I'm stoked with how these turned out! This type of dance is a photographer's paradise, utilizing a lot of color and controlled movement in combination. With this type…

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chef portrait

Chef Portraits

Over the past couple of years, I've had the opportunity to shoot quite a few restaurants in and around San Diego and the Inland Empire. Often, my primary assignment is to capture the food but one of my favorite parts is to grab a portrait of the chef or restaurateur. Sometimes its at the request of the client, but often its for my own creative exercise and portfolio. Chefs are generally personable and passionate but they also tend to be…

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white background portrait

White Seamless Studio Setup

  One of the questions I get asked a lot in classes and workshops is how to achieve a pure white background without a lot of Photoshop knockout. Well, the short answer is to simply light your background about one stop brighter than your subject. In this case, my background is  a 9 foot wide roll of white Savage 107X12-1 Seamless Background Paper - Super White. . For the floor, I've used white tile board from The Home Depot which…

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facebook image resize

Optimizing Photos for Facebook Display

It's no secret that the 'ol Book of Faces can be a great marketing tool for photographers as well as just a generally fun place to show off some family photos. Facebook, however, has a tendency to compress, convert, or otherwise mangle your photos if you don't do some image prep ahead of time to maximize their display quality.  Here are some steps I'd recommend to optimize your images for Facebook display. I recommend using Photoshop but you could certainly…

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